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Apply Phototherapy to Multiple Indications

Red light has been used for a variety of applications and it's uses continued to be studied and expended every day. Phototherapy can be applied as Passive Light Therapy to increase the efficacy of products in multiple sectors including medical, cosmetic, eye care, protective, and much more.

Skin Conditions and General Skin Health

Red light therapy is a popular option for treating redness, scars, acne, and wrinkles. It is known to improve collagen production and blood circulation in skin tissue while reducing inflammation, an adverse symptom of many conditions. Red light therapy helps in the following ways:

  • Antiaging: Red light therapy is used to enhance the appearance of skin that has been damaged or aged by sunlight. It may stimulate the rapid production of cells that secrete collagen proteins. This helps lift and tighten lax skin, reducing wrinkles.
  • Acne: Decrease inflammation, irritation, and sebum production in the skin.
  • Hair growth: Low-level laser light therapy is a proven and popular treatment pattern hair loss in women and men.
  • Wound healing: Red light therapy helps heal chronic wounds. The technique also encourages new skin growth and help new blood vessel networks form.
  • Sunscreen: Red light therapy has been shown to have an effect similar to an SPF when received prior to sun exposure. It has also been shown reduce pain and speed recovery from sunburns. Passiva PLT™ will be used to make a chemical free, environmentally friendly sunscreen.

Eye Care and Repair

In 2018, a revealing longer-term study published conclusions after following 33 patients for 5 years. The average age of participants was 67, and results were monitored for five years. Patients who received red light treatments experienced:

  • Significant increases in visual acuity, or vision sharpness as measured by how well they could make out distant letters and numbers.
  • Significant decreases in edema and hemorrhaging, which means less distorted vision and broken blood vessels.
  • No negative side effects, as is common in nearly every study about red light.

A study published in 2020 consisting of 384 participants showed that childhood myopia was reduced in children receiving red light therapy over a six month period. [Orthokeratology and Low-Intensity Laser Therapy for Slowing the Progression of Myopia in Children (]

Laboratory studies on red light and the vision of mammals have confirmed two major effects that protect eyes from vision loss:

  • Reduced Inflammation: Ocular inflammation, common with any injury or stress, increases oxidative stress and decreases ATP energy production, eventually leading to vision loss. Clinical data demonstrate that red light therapy reduces inflammation in the eyes. [2,4] Hundreds of other peer-reviewed studies have documented how red light treatments reduce inflammation across the body.
  • More ATP Energy: Every cell produces ATP energy all the time to power your body. ATP is critical for cells to survive and function, and the stakes are especially high for ocular cells responsible for your vision. Several studies show that red light therapy increases ATP production in eyes.
    Reduced inflammation and increased ATP energy production is an impactful combination for eye health and vision, warding off the gradual fading of cells and function that leads to vision loss as you get older.


Red or near infrared light spurs cells to speed up the production of antioxidants and lower inflammatory markers while increasing circulation to relieve inflammatory conditions without drugs or surgery, including:

  • Osteoarthritis: Several studies have found that red light therapy reduces pain and disability in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. The benefits even extended up to 12 weeks after the end of treatment.
  • Tendinitis: Pre-exercise red light therapy improves sports performance and speed recovery from muscle strain. This may be due to the treatment’s potential to combat oxidative stress caused by exercise.
  • Psoriasis: Red Light Therapy is a common treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis, an autoimmune inflammatory skin condition.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: In one study, low-level laser therapy reduced carpal tunnel syndrome pain in the hands significantly. It also enhanced electrical activity in the median nerve.

    Other Conditions

    Red light therapy supports the body’s natural healing process. Cold sores, dementia, and mood disorders also respond to this treatment, as follows:

    • Herpes cold sores prevention: Red light therapy successfully prevents and treat recurrent cold sores, a common infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.
    • Alzheimer’s disease: Formaldehyde concentrations in the brain are associated with oxidative stress and memory loss. Research suggests that red light therapy breaks down formaldehyde to improve cognitive function in adults with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder.
    • Anxiety: In a 2019 study, brain stimulation with red light improved anxiety symptoms in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder. The participants were also able to sleep better after treatment.